Mar 31, 2010


The world wide web has come a long way. Internet has come a long way. The parents of WWW have had another breakthrough this week. They created the big bang in the tunnel buried underground that snakes its loop between Switzerland and France. The CERN has been a pioneer of sorts. Necessity is the mother of invention. Cern proved it to be true. Based on the concept of HTTP they wanted to develop something that facilitated sharing of information between researchers. The baby eventually moved out of the crib. If not Cern someone else might have developed webpages sooner or later but I think it would have been later. Talking about its invention brings to my mind the concept of 2 results or in other words every action has two results in two different universes. An electron has 2 spins, so in a lighter note in some other universe(may be like those sci-fi series) CERN didnt invent world wide web.
We are learning AJAX. In those days making a webpage might have been the talk of the intellectual elite. I think with easy tools in the future someone very novice might be able to wield the baton in AJAX. In my opinion Mathematics and Programming are subjects that need constant practice and I definitely lack practice.
We now have Web 2.0, wonder what web3.0 will be. It is definitely something that will strive to make human interaction and day to day jobs more easier. Experts say that WEB 3.0 will bridge the gap between Human Gizmo interaction and make it easier and cost effective.


  1. The web certainly has come a long way. I can remember when Javascript and PHP were first becoming mainstream and it doesn't seem that long ago. However, the web sites and technology is growing so quickly to today it is difficult to keep up with. Every time you learn a new language, another one pops up as the next best thing and at times it can be very discouraging.

  2. W3.0 might not be on computers that we carry around with us. They might be something that is installed on a chip implanted in our brains. Now I am not saying we should become Borgs, but more I was dreaming were we could go based on how far we have come in this short time.

  3. It is quite funny what Josette is saying..well I really don't know how Web 3.0 will work and how it will be better than web 2.0....All i want is relevance in whatever we do.
