Mar 10, 2010

Iteration 2

Iteration 2 was not the best thing for me well first I had a hard time figuring out what to do. I didn't really know what apis to use and how to put it all together. I used for some much needed inspiration. I decided to use a popular api Google maps. It was easy to get the map to display on the web page because google gives you the code to do that.

The problem i had was getting the map to do what I wanted it to do. For my final iteration I want to incorporate google maps using specific city locations, news and weather. When I click on a location in the drop down menu I want the map to display the location a rss feed for news and the current weather conditions.

I am able to do the proxy pass through with a rss feed. now I need to incorporate maps and the weather. I'm using the weather channel api, I registered the it already but i still need to try and implement it. Hopefully I can get it together by the due date.

1 comment:

  1. Your doing very well and I like your ideas for your site. I tired out a couple different API's myself trying to figure out what I wanted to do. The nice thing is that we can change or modify our original plan if we need to. If you would like to know more about Google Maps, check out the blogs from last semester. Joshua Guest had some really good explanations.
