Mar 23, 2010

NetBeans : JavaScript Editor

Here's this not so new IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for developing with various languages which includes Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, C, C++ etc. It is called the NET BEANS. Since this IDE is written in Java which makes it platform independent.So it runs everywhere where a JVM is installed.

It is commercially owned by Sun Microsystems. The reason I am writing about NetBeans because this IDE helps you edit JavaScript. As we all having hard time writing codes in JavaScript. This IDE is module based and each module gives a well defined function such as support for JavaScript. The JavaScript editor is an integrated module of NetBeans IDE and it provides extended support for JavaScript, Ajax and CSS.

The editing features includes syntax highlighting, re factoring, code completion for objects and functions.The really cool thing is that it has this feature automatic browser compatibility checks.It also generates Ajax callbacks from a template and JavaScript class structure. I have just started to use this IDE and I would suggest you all to give it a try.


  1. I am going have to try this out. Writing JavaScript has been really hard to write and there is a mistake you have to go through the entire code and keep trying things until it works. It would be nice to have a tool like this to help wirte code and correct it.

  2. I too will have to try this out hopefully it will help on my next iteration. Great post.

  3. Thank you Aman! This is something that I think we should all give a try. Well I guess it's not as mandatory now that we are done with our individual projects. But for futre use its good to know that there are a few options for trying to figure out Javascript and find out if there is anything wrong with your program.
