Mar 2, 2010

Template + JavaScript = Better Applications

Hello All, I am going to introduce you guys to something new today. I found this topic really interesting. It is about using template engines with Javascript to create better web applications. I will not overload you with some plain information but to give a small introduction about this topic because we are still in process of learning Ajax.

So lets start with explaining Template Engine(TE). As per wiki it is a software or software component that is designed to combine one or more templates with a data model to produce one or more result documents.

Basically they are used to generate and format text automatically according to specific processing rules.

Since we all know that Ajax has revolutionized the Javascript. So by merging TE and Javascript will enable you to build very flexible web applications. This helps in separating presentation logic from the model. One of the commonly used TE's for JavaScript is TrimPath.

Check this link out for details :

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