Mar 5, 2010

7 Day Forcast WeatherBug

For my individual project I used a simple current conditions search to retrieve the current conditions for an area. However, for our group project I wanted to provide a 5 or 7 day forcast. While this wasn't much different for getting the data, parsing through the results was much different as I had to create loops to search through the iterations. See my previous posts to see the code behind in order to return the data but for this post I'm going to show you how to search through the data and parse the XML. First I used the following URL to get the data.

This returns the following data:

After I get the data it is time for parsing. I use the SimpleXML Xpath function to get the data into a searchable variable.

$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($data);

Then I simply create a for loop to iterate through the data and diplay the results in HTML format. Since there are HTML tags I can't cut and paste the text into the blog as it tries to interpret the tags. However, I have put up a screenshot of the for loop and the methods used to optain the XML tag info HERE.

Here is the final output:


  1. Thats good work, I'd love to use that for my group project. Something simple that gives us an idea of what the weather will be when our guest arrive.

    Is it possible to have a future view also, like by the month?

  2. I had wondered how you did that. I thought it was a very nice touch to your site. I am still struggling with my Tea blog. I will try your way next to see if that works.
