Mar 17, 2010

Indivudual Iteration 2

For iteration 2 I changed my plans for the API's I was planning to use. Originally, I wanted to create a site using the Blogger API in combination with the Google Talk API to allow users to have live chat with others that were in the blog site. However, this seems to be more complicated than I expected. Google Talk API uses XMPP or Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol. In order to connect to Google Talk or any other service that supports the Jabber/XMPP protocol, you'll need to purchase Trillian Pro. So I decided to go a different direction with my project.

The new plans for my site is to use the Chronicling America API along with the Google Maps API. The Chronicling America API gives information about historic American newspapers. So far I have completed the iteration 2 requirements and have set up the Google Map API and am able to return the XML for the Chronicling America API using an onClick button.

The next step is to complete iteration 3. I plan to take the XML that is returned and parse the information to display the newspapers by location on the Google Map for Michigan. This iteration seems like it will be more difficult than the others, and I hope that I will be able to complete this task.


  1. I'd be interested to hear how this goes if you get a chance to post an update here. I work on the Chronicling America website and we're looking on ways to improve the APIs (ehs at pobox dot com)

  2. Chronicling America API sounds very cool. I want to look into that because I love historic newspapers and past events.

  3. I thought your idea of using the history of places as great way of bring interest to those areas. Have you thought about pulling in YELP like some of the other students have to show things like Hotels, museums, art galleries and etc?
