Mar 22, 2010

DOM (Document Object Model)

As I continue in my IS 449 journey there is a new concept that looks very is called DOM which stands for document object model. Looking through the textbook DOM looks like very challenging and difficult. As I studied the book I realized that if you break down the web pages into subdivisions DOM becomes a bit easier. The first tag on a webpage (usually HTML) would be the head tag or parent. BODY then would be the child of that parent.

In my search for DOM tutorials on the web I came across this tutorial from Mozilla. This tutorial explains the structures for the DOM and how to call the object you want to use when running your API. This site also explains how the XML tree is structure. This was a very useful site and when I looked through the examples I began to understand how the DOM comes together.

Another useful site I came across was our all time favorite, Although this site is not as in-depth as Mozilla's site it still gives the beginner the basic foundation for the DOM tree. Once mastered it looks like DOM can give the API programmer a great deal of control over their API. Hopefully these sites help in our journey of the DOM.

1 comment:

  1. I have found it helpful to break down the JavaScript into bit and pieces to have it make more sense. JavaScript can be really overwhleming. It becomes less so if you just take it line by line.
