Mar 25, 2010

Netflix! ahoy!

I was working on Netflix the last week and it didn't seem to budge from its place. The Netflix api doesn't let you fetch details about its catalogs unless you have an account with it. The Autocomplete feature lets one draw just a gist from its database. In the Autocomplete feature one just needs to write a word, e g I wrote Step, the api shall fetch all the movies that have the word Step in it.
I could not tide over the problem with Netflix, hence my search for an alternative was on last week. We finally found an alternative which is the RSS feeds from Netflix. We had considered Yahoo movies api as well but it doesn't exist anymore. We also came across other interesting websites like TRYNT and Movie Web but the former didn't actually match our criterion. We were disheartened when the address to was an invalid one and it no longer existed in that server. All we got to see was a blank 502 bad gateway page.
Things are not progressing bad. Other than tiny silly mistakes that camouflage themselves in the coded background my programs eventually starts working. I am upbeat about netflix RSS feeds. I think it will be an interesting bit of information bar in our mashup webpage.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I found that several APIs require you to have accounts in order to pull back data. Usually there is a support emails address that you can email and explain that this is a project for school. I found that they were more than willing to help out.
