Mar 17, 2010

Google St. Patrick's Day

Since today is St, Patrick's Day I thought it would be fun to see what new doodle was going to be used by Google on there home page. They decided to go with a Celtic theme and used Celtic symbols to represent there logo. There was a little article that talked about this and how they usually celebrate different occasions by changing the appearance of their logo.

I also thought it would be interesting to see how many sites came up when you google St. Patick's Day. It turns out there was 19,100,000 results. Everything form news, history, images, and so much more.

This got me thinking. Many people celebrate St. Patrick's Day even if they are not Irish. This is a very old holiday with a lot of tradition and many people like to participate by drinking green beer and wearing green. This would be a great opportunity to create an AJAX application to find local Irish pubs, St. Patrick's Day events, news, and history.


  1. That is a really creative idea. Would it only be used once a year? The application may be able to be used all year but St. Patrick's Day would be its biggest day of use for sure.

  2. I agree this would be creative because a lot people don't know the history behind st.patricks day many people think its a day to drink green beer

  3. Considering I know of only one or two true Irishmen that celebrate St. Patrick's Day (the majority of celebrators being strictly bar hopping college students), I look at this again and think of the API-Master. This is another great idea, and going along with this holiday theme, I believe I might try and work another holiday into my final individual iteration.

  4. I think that Google has a good thing going with the change of themes with different holidays and events. It may seem kinda meaningless but little details like that show how much a company cares about the little things; and people notice things like that all the time. And that would be a great idea for a ajax application

  5. Helen! Your funny! I like that idea though, what if a mashup existed that told users all the bars in the surrounding area. It would probably be super easy to use from the users prospective and if they are halfway intxicated already it would be very easy to understand.

  6. I love the idea! I agree it seems meaningless that Google does the different holidays and event changing, but little things do go a long way. It keeps it fresh and interesting.
