Mar 24, 2010

How Google used AJAX

While the term AJAX was first coined in 2005, Google waited until after April of 2009 to implement it into their god-like search-for-anything-engine. Today you can see the results of their update visibly in the new and improved drop-down text lists which are queried off of what you are currently typing. For example: if you were to type 'dogs' into the Google search bar, a drop-down list containing the possible phrases 'dogs 101', 'dogs for sale', 'dogs that don't shed', and even two having to do with 'dogs and chocolate'. Apparently dogs LOVE chocolate or something, but anyway.

This wasn't Google's main adaptation of AJAX on their search engine however, but is a mere bonus to what they were truly trying to accomplish after April of 2009. In an article listed on CNET at, Stephen Shankland talks about what's going on in the background that is actually making Google more money.

In a very simple adaptation, Google used AJAX to start loading the specific search results under the default 'boilerplate' that always remains in the same position after each subsequent search is performed. While this may be the definition practically of simple easy-to-use AJAX, the mere milliseconds that Google saves after each search really makes a difference. Apparently all of these quicker times ad up to a large amount of new searches, which in turn transfers into more ads being shown and therefor more money in Google's pocket. I figured they were merely updating their search engine to help benefit you and I by letting us know that 'dogs in funny costumes' was a possible search term, but I cash is the driving factor and I'm wrong as usual. Thanks Google.


  1. This is interesting...I actually never thought about how make Google search so user friendly using Ajax. So basically what is happening is Google suggest is making you go for searches related to what your looking for faster and help them make money.

  2. BTW. Dogs love chocolate but it poisonous to them. That is why alot of people search on that topic. I have heard the DJ's at 89X have whole shows on what they have found in that drop down list. It is crazy to see some of the things people are searching for.
