Nov 3, 2009

Working with Google Maps

We have plans to use the Google Maps API in our group project, so I have decided to try it out in this simple web page.

I got a lot of great information from Joshua Guest's blog post which was a wonderful explanation and detailed process for setting up this API and the Google Maps API reference site.

So far I have been able to display the map with some functionality that allows the user to zoom in and out, change view from standard to satellite, hybrid, or terrain, and show the starting location as Michigan.

I am off to a good start and excited about incorporating this API in our group project.


  1. Keep up the good work Helen, and thanks for linking to my post. There is so much you can do with google maps, I am now working on getting the bounding coordinates of the map and have also been able to get the lat/lon of the center of the map. Cool stuff.

  2. Helen, we are also using Google Maps in our group project and I was amazed at all the options that are available. It seems like almost every week there is a new feature that has been added that enhances the users view. Matt and I also valued the blog post that Josh wrote up as it made the process of incorporating the maps into our website go very smoothly.

  3. The majority of us are using google maps for our site. Google maps is a very powerful app and is useful with so many different avenues when it comes to webpages.
