Coupons have always annoyed me. I love to save money as much as the next person, but not at the expense of carrying them in my wallet or back pocket.Thanks to Google, these coupons are now added to their search results and can be shown to clerks to receive the savings.
If a business adds a mobile coupon to their local business listing on Google, the coupon will appear in a Google search on the Places page. With so many individuals owning smart phones I think its a win win for everyone.
I love the fact that companies are bring new ideas to the table. The power of the internet is bigger and can't imagine what's next It will take a little for savvy businesses to catch on but when it does, a simple Google search as you head to check out might save you some money.
I love the fact that companies are bring new ideas to the table. The power of the internet is bigger and can't imagine what's next It will take a little for savvy businesses to catch on but when it does, a simple Google search as you head to check out might save you some money.
Really nice post. I do believe that this is a pretty cool idea that people can show their coupons via their cellphones. I just wonder if the effect of people showing them from the net would be the same as if you yourself physically printing them out. You see if you painfully spend time doing something and if it annoys you, it gets deeper in to your subbranches, so next time when you want to bey something you will definitely remember the store where you went last time with the coupon. I don't know maybe I am wrong.
ReplyDeleteThanks for bringing this to our attention. I am going to look into this a little further. Ivaylo, the thing to remember is most coupons can be used at a multitude of stores. I don't really care where I use the coupon at, but I do care who has the lowest price when I use it.
Justin, nice find. I haven't heard of these before. I like that this brings the internet to brick and mortar stores, instead of using the internet to totally avoid a brick and mortar store. How does someone sign up to use these coupons?
ReplyDeleteGreat post, I agree I hate carrying coupons. I recently started signing up at Kroger online so that I could put regular coupons from the Sunday paper on my Kroger card electronically, but I found that it was too time consuming. This would be a great way to get coupons, as long as you weren't trying to shop for many different things at once.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this. It is a struggle managing coupons. I always set them somewhere and forget about them. This is a very useful tool and I look forward to checking it out. Thanks!