Nov 12, 2009

Getting a Yahoo Pipes Badge

Continuing along the Yahoo Pipes topic, a question was raised as to how to publish a pipe on a website. Based on the documentation for the website I learned this can be accomplished with the help of a Pipes Badge. As stated in the documentation, "A Yahoo! Pipes badge allows you to have Pipes generated content on your blog, website, or social network".

There are three types of badges; a list badge, an image badge, and a map badge. The list badge is used for a simple list of items, description fields, and thumbnails. An image badge shows images present on a feed, displays images as a thumbnail, and description field if one is available. The third badge type is a map badge. If geocoding is available a dragable map is displayed with pin points.

To get a badge all that is required is to open a pipe by logging into and visiting Next click the "Get as a badge" wizard seen on the pipe.

Next, select where the badge will be placed. If it's a basic web page select Embed.

Finally, you are presented with the javascript to use on the page which can be copied/pasted into your html file.

Here's how the pipe I created appears on a web page:

Once a pipe is created it's quite simple to integrate it into a web site. I thought this would be much more complicated than it was but after reviewing the documentation and trying it out myself I discovered it's super easy!


  1. Diane,thanks for this post. Yahoo pipes is a topic that you brought up and I'm very curious about it. I think I have to start working with it soon

  2. Diane, once you wrote on this topic before I went to the website and did some investigation. This seems very intriguing to me and it sounds like it is very user friendly and quite easy to use. Thanks for following up with more information, I plan on taking a look at this when I have a little more time on my hands. Thanks again, great post!
