Nov 11, 2009

Iteration 2 - It's over!

I just wanted to congradulate everyone for making it through iteration two with their projects. Their were alot of good looking mashup's, definately things in all of them i wish i had thought to ultize in either my personal project or the group project. So give yourself a pat on the back and relax a little, as i know for me that was quite stressful at times.

And if you need something to help take the edge off you can use this site to help you relax. :-)


  1. I concur, everyone did a great with iteration 2. You can see so much progress between the two iterations.We have one more left so I can't wait to see what some groups have up their sleeve. Oh and James I like the pitch for the site!!! I can use a cold one right about now!!!

  2. This sounds like a great idea after a hard days work! Considering most people had never even heard of a MASHUP before the start of this class I too am very impressed with all of the thought and hard work that has taken place since the semester began. The mashup possibilities seem endless as more and more API's are being introduced every day and the creativity that we've seen in our projects is awesome!

  3. I think we are all doing very well in this class. At the beginning, we hardly found ideas how to accomplish the project with APIs to get a mash-up that makes sense. Now, I'm getting ideas how to expand our project.
    James, your website is great. I'm happy that it knows german beer ;)

  4. The group projects have been fun to watch evolve. They are all impressive and fantastic ideas. Cheers (Prost in German) to you all! (Hmmm, do I want a beer or wine?)

  5. haha, James your actually promoting the website through this. Very smooth I see. Yea, that iteration two was stressful. I also want to thank Jassin because he definitely helped us a lot. So, thanks man!
