Nov 11, 2009

Chrome Browser now has 30 million users

Google Chrome was designed for people who live on the web. People searching for information, checking email, catching up on the news, or stay in touch with family and friends.With chrome only being just over a year old, it already has 30 million users. That is an astonishing amount of users in this short amount of time. In 10 years if this trend continues chrome should be a lot closer to IE.

It was designed to be fast and lightweight, to start up and get you onto the web in a few seconds. I prefer to use google over IE, or Firefox. I can counton one had the number of times I received a pop up. It has a clean look and everything in right in reach with one click. Chrome allows you to customize your window with backgrounds and patterns. It also features and incognito mode for times when you want to browse in stealth mode, for example, to plan surprises like gifts or birthdays. Webpages that you open and files downloaded while you are incognito aren't recorded in your browsing and download histories. So thats a good way of saying it won't track you going to porn sites. LOL

Microsoft still has a considerable advantage over it's competition. It's going to be awhile before a web browser will trump IE. One reason is because it's installed on every window based PC so some older people that are not computer savvy will stick with the blue E on their desktop. I have to take my hat off to chrome for making a small but yet large leap in the browser wars.


  1. It sounds like the incognito mode may make it harder for parents to monitor their kids activities. As a parent, that lack of transparency is actually a strike against Chrome.

  2. Also, why is one of your tags a hyperlink? Can you change that?

  3. Chrome is awesome. I've been using it for awhile now and absolutely love it. While I enjoy Firefox for its great extensions (like firebug!), it can be a bit slow and when one tab crashes, the whole thing goes. While it always lets you reopen your tabs, Chromes non-crash feature is great. It is also much lighter and faster then Firefox. The new themes are cool too. As for incognito and parental controls, I don't have kids so I haven't worried that just yet!

  4. I haven't used Chrome very often, but I will use it over IE. I wonder if it gained so many users so quickly just because of the Google name..

  5. Thanks for the blog Justin.
    I have been using chrome already and I do like it. It is definitely a quick browser, but I have noticed that it does not work with some applications. For example my work email that is powered by Microsoft outlook.

  6. Sorry about the hyper link it's changed Professor. Michelle it's cool you should try it. Honestly I feel each web browser steals ideals from each other. They are starting to look the same and many have the same features.

  7. Professor Drake,
    I do feel that incognito mode could be viewed as a negative in Chrome. Hopefully they will come out with an update that allows you to lock this feature depending on what login you use on the computer.

  8. I have not downloaded Chrome but after I read the blog I really have to try it.... In fact, at the moment, I am downloading it ;)

  9. ... tried it now one and a half day and it is great!

  10. I tried using Chrome a while back and found myself sliding back into IE. As IE seems to have become more painful to use (latest version) and in my opinion has performance issues, I've gravitated toward Firefox. I've had some great luck with performance with that browser. I'm glad you blogged on Chrome though, I need to give this one another chance. Thanks!

  11. Justin,
    I know you mentioned in class that you weren't sure if that 30 million users was a lot. I recently read in an article when writing about the Chrome for Mac that in October Google Chrome had 3.6% of total market share of all browsers. Doesn't seem like a whole lot comparatively now.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. There will be a Mac version of Chrome. At the moment Google has big issues with Snow Leopard. Looking at this link [ ], it shows that there are a lot of users complaining that it is not possible to install the Gears-Plug-in (Colin already posted about Gears) on this MacOs. There was an other article that mentioned that Google might stop the development of Gears because the key-features will be part of HTML5

  14. While reading more about Chrome, I found another interesting fact:
    Google added developer tools that shows the status of the heap and within a tab, a timeline that shows everything that happens to your website. This means that loading scripts, pasing them and so on will be tracked and can be seen on this special tab. Maybe I try this tool and blog about it.

    [english source! ]
