Nov 27, 2009

What? A Google OS?

Google announced their new project to build a new kind of Operating System in July of this year. Their Chrome OS was unveiled on November 24, 2009 as a sneak peak but it will be at least year until it's officially released. I had no idea this was going on! With the two power houses, Microsoft and Apple, I'm impressed that Google is coming into the OS world to compete with them. Are they biting off more than they can chew? This remains to be seen. Here are some of the highlights:
  • Open source

  • Available to netbook users (initially)

  • Speedy (light weight)

  • Secure (redesigned underlying security architecture)

  • Web applications

Google is currently working with OEMs to bring netbooks to the market next year. "All web-based applications will automatically work and new applications can be written using your favorite web technologies." (from the official Google Blog). Given the applications are available via the web makes this an attractive feature as it eliminates the need to install and manage applications on a local computer. I recently rebuilt my computer (twice in 3 months) so this concept is quite appealing to me. Google's goal is to create a product that is focused on internet users who are looking for speed and security. I'm extremely curious how this OS will evolve. It will be fun to watch.


  1. Diane,

    It will be interesting to see how consumers react and adapt to Chrome. From my conversations with people it sounds like a love/hate relationship. Since all of your data is stored online, Google pretty much has total control over all of your data. That doesn't sit well with some people.

    The one feature for Chrome OS that caught my attention was a 7 second startup time. Now that would be nice!

  2. Diane,

    I agree with Colin about how people will react to the fact of having all of your data stored online, but I don't think that will stop everyone from using it.

    I know that Google wants to have a foot in every aspect of the technology world, I just wonder what parts of it they will be able to keep profitable for years to come.

  3. I am eager to see what chrome OS will feature. I know google has something up their selves . You have to love the fierce competition with google, Microsoft and apple.

  4. Very interesting, been hearing about Google's OS for some time now. It will be interesting to see how it compares to Windows 7 for netbooks, both features wise and price wise.
