Nov 11, 2009

A Lazy Post Count Method

While I really like Matt's blog counting site, I decided it was too tedious to have to jump to an additional page and do all that searching and stuff. I appreciate his hard work and he most certainly displayed his skills learned in the class, but I figured there was an easier way to count your blogs.

All you need to do is put a unique keyword on each of your posts. My unique word is 'Colin'. Now that the keyword is added to the tag cloud, it will automatically count my posts for me.
As you can see in the image, I have posted 10 blogs prior to this post. How simple! Sadly this method will not work for comments, and for that case I will have to resort to Matt's blog and comment counting site.

Note: PLEASE don't add my name to your keywords on your posts. You will ruin my plan and it would be very rude!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice work Colin. A very creative and much simpler solution to this blog counting issue. Like you long as nobody tags your name in their posts it'll work great! Let's just hope no one is that mean to you!

  3. But what if someone wants to blog about Colin? It would be legitimate to use his name as a tag without it being sabotage.

  4. Why would someone blog about me!

  5. Colin, you really know how to live life the easy way?! Great and simple idea. Thanks for the post ;)

  6. Colin, I thought this was a very unique approach to keeping track of your posts. Remember, if it saves time (which is something we all look for) and it works...what more could you ask for??

  7. This is a good idea for the blog post but we still need to count the comments. I remember we used to blog in Bud Gibson's class and in that blog site there was an archive of published blogs. I wonder if there is a way to show the blog archive by author name. I think that Matt's blog counting site is really cool, but his may be another easier way to do it.

  8. I can smell sabotage LOL, I agree Colin that's a easy way of doing things. Matt's application is pretty cool. That's something Professor Drake can maybe for future classes.
