Nov 10, 2009


Google has introduced a new programming language called GO. It follows the steps of a programming language that Google launched earlier called Noop. It is meant to be quick and productive. The backbone of this language or what it attempts to serve is combining the speed of dynamic languages with the effectiveness of languages such as C# and JavaScript. It basically try to make it programming more fun and approachable by even inexperienced programmers. One feature that Google hope to attract its users by is being able to compile code faster in a matter of few seconds. In the following pragraphs, an overview of this new experemntal language will be presented.

Google mentioned who does it expect to use this new language. Accoridng to the FAQ's, programmers who likes the adventure or the thrill of trying new languages might want to give it a shot. It also states that not all programmers would use it but hopefully the satisfaction this language might bring could increase the number of potential users. Moreover, Google amits that it doesn't really use that language internally expacially from the production aspect. However, it continues to say that GO can assest on wriitng the server and software it uses internally. So it is still used but indirectly. One thing programmers pr potential users should put on my mind is the fact that it is a totally new language that most likely is going to flaws and what not.

Several trends are behind the introduction of GO language. Here are the trends as quoted from the article.

1 comment:

  1. Show me a new computer language that makes programming more fun and approachable by even inexperienced programmers and I'll try it. Google is everywhere but i'm not sure if programing language is there thing. It seems like every 4-5 years a new langauge is created. We have been sticking to the java, php, pearl, visual basic or c#. This lanuage has to really be ground breaking to make a difference. But it's worth giving it a try.
