Apr 17, 2010

Finally finished group project

So we finally finished our group project today, still needs a little changing but at least the 4 API's are there. It took us some time today at the library but it feels good. Just have to type one more blog and I'll be all set.

So while working on our project we found a great API to help with the weather. It shows the current weather of any area you chose. It was pretty simple to implement pulls from the site and shows it on our site. We used www.weatherreports.com to pull the information.

I like the simplicity of the way they show the weather, also I like how it was simple to implement into our site. I'm relieved to have finished our project and after my last blog I will be graduating in 1 week.


  1. Dan I am still working on ebay part of our project and I am really scared If I would be able to do it. Sometimes one really needs more help.

  2. Congrats Dan, I wish we were in the same boat as you right now. We're still wrapping up. The weather API looks really interesting, I'd be curious to see it in action.

  3. Yeah I can relate to the relief of finishing the project. For me it was a great learning experience but at the same time a very frustrating undertaking. Either way I'm also relieved to be graduating next sunday and moving on to Grad school.

  4. Good job, Dan! I hope that you all had a great time getting it done. This was a challenging, frustrating, but rewarding project.
