Apr 6, 2010


I dont know if everybody knows but the annual football spring game is April 18th at 2pm. We would really appreciate everybodys support, come and check out how we've been working to create a culture here at Eastern with a winning football program.

But on another note I wanted to point out another example of AXAJ that is used at emueagles.com. When you log onto the website there is a constant update of scores of games that just happened. There is also updates on each team and program.

When clicking on the football area, first go to mens sports, then you will see all the information you could use to know more about your football team. There is a ticker that shows the most recent updates and the most recent things that the team is up to. Even on the far right they show what practice we are up to, which updates itself everyday. This could possibly help us with our project if zwire doesn't end up working.

Thank you for supporting our team, and hope we can show everybodu next year just how far we have come.


  1. Thanks for the post Dan and for the information about the game. I went and checked out the link too and was impressed with the site. Good luck with the game.

  2. I can't believe football is starting up again. It just seems like the other day it finished. I am glad it is sooner than later. I am a huge NFL fan. Good luck with the game.

  3. Hey Dan I think it is pretty cool that EMU has been updating and redesigning the websites lately.. even other departments have redesigned and introduced lot of changes in the way emich works.
    Hey Good luck with the game..american football is a cool game to watch :-)

  4. I didn't know know about the annual spring game and i have checked out the website in the past its nice to know EMU is keeping up to date
