Dec 16, 2009

Group Iteration 3

The semester seems to have come to a quick and screaching halt. Don't get me wrong, its nice to be done, but it seemed like it snuck up me. My group has finally finished iteration 3. Our original idea for a music concert orientated sited seemed simple enough though it grew harder as the semester moved on. Our largest initial difficulty fell into the category of the inability to find suitable API's. While there were many many available, most we came to find out where going have a financial attachment that came with them. In the end we fell into similar standby API's that many of the others in class had chosen to use and master as well.

The class as a whole was a great instrument for every step we took in trying to succeed with this project. In hindsight, i feel like we put too much effort in to being imaginative and to create that masterpiece in our minds. As the end drew near we realized that while we had many creations to use for the flash there was little or no working substance to our project.

This reminded me greatly of project management several of us took the semester before. Our scope had creeped and we had to struggle to make it limping through the finish.

If i could change something other than the book we had used, we have all spoken in class about that before, i would suggest now a different learning structure for the course.

Pre-established compounding projects similar to what we had already done, but with API's chosen by the professor, with more tangible turn ins and benchmarks. But i can only speak for myself, one who always he will always walk the longest distance the lease allows.


  1. Maddox, I feel that the scope of any project always changes and you just have to be ready to make adjustments the closer you are to completing the project. If I could make a suggestion, it would be to work together as a class on some of the information we learned from the powerpoint slides. Even if it were for only 1 hour of the class time I know I would have benefited from these exercises.

  2. I agree with you on the book, it did not work for me either. I do disagree with you on the pre-established projects. One of the ideas behind this project was imagination, what we can come up with and how. Me especially, my end product was nothing I thought it would be, but it was a good learning experience for me.

  3. Point well taken. I honestly like the book simply because in a previous class we use the same author for head first html book and it was written in the same way. I preferred the individual projects a little more because it gave you more freedom to do what you wanted.
