Sep 15, 2009

When AJAX is not needed

After doing some research, I found AJAX is not for everyone. Sure it's great for some applications, but for others it creates a number of problems and costs. The following paragraphs will show some of the disadvantages of AJAX, and will provide instances where it is not needed:

The following are some of the disadvantages of AJAX:
Since AJAX takes more time to develop, time and costs of production increase. There are still security and privacy concerns. Earle Castledine provided some interesting privacy issues on his following website:
You can only use XMLHttpRequest to access information from the original host that completed the initial page. It is not possible to display information from another server because of the security constraints that go along with AJAX.
Accessibility is another concern with AJAX. Some of the older servers do not completely support JavaScript or the XMLHttpRequest object.
AJAX is not supposed to be used in every application. Search engines like Google cannot index it so applications would have to spread out AJAX features within the application.

The following are examples of when not to use AJAX:
Simple static HTML pages do not need AJAX.
If older browsers, or even a wide range of browser versions need to access the application, there will be problems.
If money is an issue, and you cannot afford the additional development and set up costs, you should consider not using AJAX.
If your intended users do not regularly interact with the application, AJAX is not for you. Small companies and public institutions usually do not use AJAX.

1 comment:

  1. Ajax seems like it is the best thing to use for most applications. Now that I see the reasons not to use it and it's disadvantages, it makes sense that Ajax isn't always the best thing to use.
