Jan 24, 2010

Head First Ajax

When I saw that we were going to be using a Head First book I was excited because I had used one of these in a pervious class. However after I started going through the chapters I find that this book is a little confusing. And does not seem to describe the concepts as well as the Head First HTML book did. I do think that Ajax is a little tricky then HTML so that may be the reason why this book is a little confusing.

To make sure that I fully understand the concepts that this class is demonstrating I order two additional books that were recommended by Professor Drake and one that was suggested by Amazon. I am excited about working with JavaScript finally, I just wish we had had a more basic class offered in JavaScript as well because a lot of employers are looking for JavaScript knowledge and the more you have the better.

All in all I think that this class is going to go well and I will learn a lot of new skills that will be useful in the job market. The additional books will really help make my group project and my individual project even better. I am really looking forward to the application we are going to create. I know that all the books will help in the process.


  1. Really nice blog Leticia. I agree with you that the book is somewhat confusing. When my group and I went through it on Wednesday to do the first example, it got a big frustrating. I don't like how the book has a "kiddie" type feel to it. I get that they were probably trying to spruce it up and not make it a boring/dull read. But it had less crosswords, scrambles, and other activities and was just more straight forward.

  2. I don't think the book is bad at explaining it. I think that the problem is that none of us know much about javascript and xml so it makes it extremely difficult to grasp Ajax. With html it was pretty easy to pick up because you didn't really need to learn anything in order to use html. Html is a really basic and easy to read language where java and xml are a bit more difficult and really annoying to learn if you're trying to learn them while learning something else. I think you guys get what I'm trying to say.../ramble off.
