Jan 26, 2010

Chapter 1

I want to start by saying that getting my feet wet with something new has been exciting but not short of fear I will struggle. I can see how the blog is going to really help when we get further along in the class. The chances of helping each other with places we have gotten stuck and passing along the message of how the fixed it will really help.

Chapter 1 Rob’s Rock ‘N’ Roll was fun I went through and was able to accomplish the finished thing at the end of the chapter. I do believe I need to go back over it and read it more in depth to fully understand everything I did so I don’t struggle later on.

The first thing I learned was when I coded the JavaScript file, you need to double check that you have it coded correctly. It is not as user friendly with telling you where your error is. If you don’t have it coded correctly then it won’t work. I also labeled my file name incorrectly, which is a dumb error that shouldn’t happen.

The last thing I learned was trying to figure out why the description wouldn’t display when I made sure I had all the code correct. I then realized you need to go through a server for a function to work. When I put the file on people. Emich.edu it then worked correctly for me. I hope I help anyone who ran into similar problems.


  1. This is the third blog I've read that says post the files on people.emich.edu. I'll have to try that and see if my program works because I am having no luck with trying it on my computer. And I agree with the first statement, having a class that teaches programming gets everyone talking no matter what because every person in the class gets stuck somewhere and figured it out. Then they help other people. It'll be interesting to see how this class goes seeing how all of us have had classes with eachother before.

  2. I think my problem with the first lab was the coding might not have been correct and its so tedious to search for errors.
