There are so many other achievements and accolades that I could mention, but the only thing that matters right now is that the famed rapper is currently in prison, serving a year long sentence for weapon possession. But recently a new website http://weezythanxyou.com/ has been launched and if you go to the site right now, you will see its first blog post from Lil Wayne.
In it he describes how much he loves his fan (I've been to many of his concerts and think that he is sincere when he says he does) and reminds them that he will be no where with out them. He states that he will be writing from time to time and will try to reply to as many fans as he can. Well you may be asking yourself how is this possible? Is he getting special "star" treatment in jail? The answer is no. Simply answered, his record label knows how important social media is now a days to be able to draw more fans to their artists. That is why Lil Wayne will actually be writing and receiving messages the old fashion way, through handwritten letters in the mail. Then a team at the label will be converting the messages from Wayne into blogs on the website.
This is really a first to me. And another "feature" of todays world where I couldn't of imagined happening 10years ago. But it is really cool that if your such a huge fan of someone and they are put in jail, you don't have to forget about them for 8-12months while they are away. You can just look forward to the next blog update from them and see how their mood is or what is going on in their new environment. Who knows if this will last or if the jail might come up with a reason of why this type of communication breaks some kind of rule or law.
Via Mashable
This is just an example of how the longer a technology is out the easier it is to be find in places you would never think of. I do not think that people in jail should have access to the Internet. Being in jail should be punishment not playtime.
ReplyDeleteJail likely will not touch this blog posting system. As long as he is not getting "star" treatment I don't see them doing anything wrong. Hand written letters have been sent to and from jail since the beginning and if his publicist is converting them into blogs I see why not.
ReplyDeleteThis is just another example of people propping up individuals as role models that have no business being one. Chances are there are tons of kids out there looking up to this guy as an example of what they want to be...too bad.
ReplyDeleteNow I think that is really funny! I love technology advances. I think it is a shame that young individuals may get the wrong idea. If he uses this as a positive thing it would be more beneficial.
ReplyDeleteI think it is a great way to still be in touch with outside world and keep up with one's popularity as a Star...Way to go lil Wayne
ReplyDeletetechnology is a great way to keep in touch and i think lil wayne wants to continue to stay relevant in an ever changing society. Today many people especially young people are reading more internet post than newspapers