Apr 20, 2010

IT Jobs

There are many opportunities available for those of us who have fallen into the IT field. Many of them seem to be rather high paying, but there is one major drawback in today's economy - experience. There are people that are actively seeking for jobs that have fifteen years experience, that do not require any training other than corporate processes, and who are more willing to relocate in order to take/maintain a job.

There is hope, though. Careerbuilder.com states, “Business expansion and the increased reliance on technology within all sectors has resulted in a competitive environment for skilled IT professionals,” says Katherine Spencer Lee, executive director of Robert Half Technology. “Many companies are raising base compensation for new hires and offering additional perks, including signing bonuses and equity incentives, to recruit and retain top candidates.” This means that, assuming you find a proper job, you will be put into a better situation than there would have been some years ago.

I can only hope that there are positions that are actively seeking recent graduates, as many of the job requirements that I have seen seem to want experience, experience, and more experience. Cross your fingers, everyone - we might need a little luck.


  1. Yeah I totally agree with you on how companies are looking for experienced people than entry levelers(I just made it). I think companies needs to understand that fresh graduates could be more productive and innovative at the same time. I guess they just don't want to train anybody anymore.

  2. hopefuly these future jobs will be posted for all to see and it is hard to find jobs for entry level. maybe jobs will just fall out the sky it would cool if that happened. i'd sure catch a couple.
