I spent quite a bit of time on Iteration 3. I posted it here. It's not exactly what I wanted, but I had to make some compromises because I couldn't figure out how to get it work the way I wanted it to, and I was running out of time. It was pretty frustrating, but I think I'm happy with the way it ended up.
The way I wanted it to work was to have you click on a team from the drop down menu. After you did this I wanted to have the teams address show up on the map, and show up under the map. Eventually I would have added a box for the user to enter their address and get driving directions. I think this would have been a great tool for any sports fan that lives in Detroit. Obviously it probably would have been obsolete at this point because of GPS systems.
The way it ended up working is the user clicks the drop down box and selects a team. Then the map shows them where the home of that team is. If you click the teams logo under the map then it'll show the user the teams address.
Apr 13, 2010
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John nice work on iteration 3. I share your frustration with trying to get things to work within the deadline provided. However just as in a real business, you get what you can done in the specified timeline...the rest is either added later or forgotten.
ReplyDeleteI think this was a good project to go after. I hate having to try and find the address for a particular sporting event. A lot of times it is actually hard to get the correct address. This would have been a great site and could have been used by many sports fans in the Detroit area. This could be developed to have all sports teams and could make some money.
ReplyDeleteWell atleast its good that you met the requirements for iteration 3 for individual projects and if you really want it to be useful..you can always work on it later.
ReplyDeleteYou have me thinking Stevo!! I wonder how difficult it would actually be to develop something like this, that actually works the way I want it to. Maybe have a search box where you type in the city, and then a new drop box lets you select the team and then have Google maps pull up the address...that would be great.