I finally got my iteration3 to work. I had to start over from iteration 2. The older project didn't quite mesh with the newer additions.
I started over using Google's Ajax search API. Using feedcontrol worked great!
var feedControl = new google.feeds.FeedControl();It allowed me to use several blog feeds and had a handy tabbed feature. my plan from the beginning, was to make a page that I would actually use myself. I have feeds from the several pages that I go to on a day to day basis.
I have learned a lot using that API and will be able to use most of that knowledge on the group project. It isn't up in the dropbox yet because my winzip is out of date on my laptop. It will be submitted when I get home tonight.
Nice Chris, it turned out great. I have found the different Google APIs both user friendly and very well documented. This made it really easy for me to grasp how to implement them.
ReplyDeleteI've used google ajax feed in the past i can say its much simpler than creating code it doesn't require a php file which i love and it displays nice.
ReplyDeleteIt turned out great! So your goal was to create something that you will actually use. Will you continue to use your individual project after this semester? If it works like you wanted, that is pretty cool!
ReplyDeleteI really liked what you did in individual iteration 3 and I do agree with you that for iteration level 3 I had to really think hard to make it look useful and sensible at the same time or else it would end up into integrating something blindly and do not go together.