Feb 17, 2010

Knowledge is power....

Knowledge is power is the title of this blog and I think it is perfect. I have transferred schools three times due to following a dream. It just so happens that each time I transfer, I get a fresh start. My first school was University of North Texas and I didn’t go to class consistently and did as little as possible to get by. I then moved to Colorado and went to the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs. My attitude towards school was a lot better, but I was still not attacking the learning part like I should. My last transfer was to Eastern and again I was given a fresh start.

I was very lucky with my fresh start, for I finally decided what major I wanted to go after. I also met my business partner John Hanna in my first class. I was grouped up with John and we both showed how we can really spend time on an assignment and turn it into something helpful for others. We then were asked to help create the second course for Google AdWords for Eastern Michigan. During this time we decided to create a company and there was a lot of excitement.

We then ran into some problems. We are very good with Google AdWords, which was shown if you saw our certification test score. We are not good at getting customers and sharing our knowledge with other companies to help them succeed. So, we put our company on hold and continued working on school projects and learning more information.

It is time to get our company going again for we both need money. After a conversation, we are about to take what we have learned in the classroom and apply it to our business. We are using what we are learning in our project management class to help us with our progress. We are going to meet every week now and just focus on our company. This Thursday we are spending quality time on content so we will be able to launch our new site that looks more professional and try and lower the risk concerns with potential clients. Ajax could be a feature that could also be used with our new site, but I think we should try and finish the semester before we incorporate something we don’t have a full understanding of.

Once our site is up, I know John and I will both welcome any help with getting our name out there and helping us help other companies.


  1. Steven, nice post. Sounds like an interesting business model. I hope you have success with it.

  2. Thank you Adam. The other cool thing is we are able to work on the structure of our business with another class we both are in right now. It is not turning out like I was hoping due to trying to meet requirements. It still has been pretty interesting.
