Feb 2, 2010

I need help, AJAX issues.

I don't know if this is what were looking for in a blog, but I need the class's help. I'm attempting to do this Iteration 1, and I'm having trouble making my button information show up on the site.

What I am attempting to do is create a javascript where there is a button and when it is clicked on it shows some text where the button used to be. I have been looking at websites to help me, and the one that I found the most information on was W3school.com. They had exactly what I was looking for. And I'm beginning to understand how the javascript works. But how do I get the information to show up.

If anybody has been able to do their script like this please post on this blog with any advice. And like I said I'm trying to create a button to where when it is clicked on the information shows up where the button used to be. All the examples I have seen shows where the information shows up on another site, but being that we can not do our Iteration 1 like that I need to know how to put them up on the actual site I am using. I am attempting to use an HTML but is that correct? If I want the information to show up on the exact site I am using as the host.

I am going to post where the information comes from,

[Should there be something here] = "LoadXMLdoc('Onclick.txt')";

Thanks in advance guys, and I will greatly appreciate any help offered


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  2. Hey Dan! I went to Drake's office this morning and he told me something that was very helpful. In each fuction place an alert tag something like this: alert("in showDetails");. Something like this so that you can see where the error is occuring. He also told me that when you run the site or application from your people account you can click on the error triangle in the bottom left corner and it will help you in finding where the error is. Seeing as I just fixed mine I have no clue how to fix yours but going up to his office and having him look at it and then looking and reading the book helped a lot too.
