Oct 14, 2009

Windows 7

Someone already blogged on Windows 7, but I thought these new gadgets are interesting.

You can get what is called “Aero Peek” which allows you to see past all of the open windows so you can see you desktop. By pointing your mouse at the toolbar down to the right makes the open windows transparent. Also they offer “Aero Shake” which looks interesting. If you have a number of windows open and you want to just view one, click on it and shake your mouse. All of the other windows will close. Shake it again and the windows show back up.

It also offers “Jump Lists” which sounds convenient. If you right-click on the Windows Explorer or Windows Media, a list of previously entered websites or songs will appear. It also can take you directly to composing mail, or playing music.

“Home Group” is an interesting feature that allows you to connect to and share different computers at home, making it a whole lot easier to share files, folders and songs. It is also password protected, if security is an issue.


  1. This is really cool. I didn't know that Windows 7 had all these features. This can help when you are trying to do multiple things.

  2. Aero shake is way cool. I found it one night when I was really frustrated with a page that wouldn't load. I clicked on the taskbar and shook it and Voila! The other pages disappeared!!

  3. Thats nice but wouldn't be a little confusing. I agree with you Colin, I can only imagine.

  4. Windows 7 is looking very promising! Doesn't the Iphone have a feature similar to the aero shake? I hope at after the release it wont be a service pack for all the fixes. That simply tells me they didn't do their homework if it is one.We shall see!!!

  5. Those Aero apps sound really cool! I can imagine both of those being extremely beneficial while using my computer. When I used the Beta release of 7, I don't remember those features, but then again, I didn't exactly try to shake my mouse, cause I didn't know anything like that would happen! Justin, the iPhone has a few different apps that use the shake as a command, including the simple yet fun "Sketchs" or something like that, which erases your drawings, as well as a game called "Lexitron" which scrambles the letters upon shaking.

  6. Windows 7 seems to be really cool. I still believe that I must wait a year so they can clean all of the possible bugs in it. It seems that Microsoft spends a year after they release anything to fix it :)

  7. Well, Win 7 looks great. But I think this is the same that I thought when I saw all the pics and read all the article concerning Vista.
    Since Win98 Microsoft showed me that they need at least one Service Pack to distribute a product that works well. Here are the good working Windows I remember and that I worked with: Win95C, Win98SE, Win2000 SP4, Win XP SP2. I have tried only Vista without Service Pack and that was that good than Windows ME => not very good.
    Maybe, this time I am wrong, but I will wait until the first service pack to try Win 7 :)
    This is

  8. Could Windows 7 accomplish everything that's expected of it? I can say probably not, but it makes a damn good attempt. I found installing XP, Vista and Windows 7 on the same hardware over the space of a week also proved that point: Hardware just worked when I booted up Windows 7 for the first time, while my machines were practically catatonic with XP until I dug up the drivers, and gimped with Vista until I dutifully updated.

    transmetteur fm
