Oct 13, 2009

Java Debugger Tools

Most of you probably know but it happened that I have heard in class what should we use to debug the Java code. I have noticed that almost everybody is using Notepad ++, which is fine, but it does not really help you with what your errors are and where. I have used a couple of tools that are free and somewhat very useful. jGRASP

jGRASP is a lightweight development environment, created specifically to provide automatic generation of software visualizations to improve the comprehensibility of software. jGRASP is implemented in Java, and runs on all platforms with a Java Virtual Machine (Java version 1.5 or higher). jGRASP produces Control Structure Diagrams (CSDs) for Java, C, C++, Objective-C, Ada, and VHDL; Complexity Profile Graphs (CPGs) for Java and Ada; UML class diagrams for Java; and has dynamic object viewers that work in conjunction with an integrated debugger and workbench for Java. The viewers include a data structure identifier mechanism which recognizes objects that represent traditional data structures such as stacks, queues, linked lists, binary trees, and hash tables, and then displays them in an intuitive textbook-like presentation view.

Another free tool that I like is Blue J

The BlueJ environment was developed as part of a university research project about teaching object-orientation to beginners. The system is being developed and maintained by a joint research group at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, and the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK. The project is supported by Sun Microsystems.

The aim of BlueJ is to provide an easy-to-use teaching environment for the Java language that facilitates the teaching of Java to first year students. Special emphasis has been placed on visualisation and interaction techniques to create a highly interactive environment that encourages experimentation and exploration.


  1. That looks really interesting... I probably should try one of those. I actually bought expresson web for my pc but I haven't even loaded it yet. I tried it in class and I still end up using notepad++. Since I am really a "visual" person BlueJ may be worth trying. Thanks.

  2. Ivaylo,

    Thanks for the heads-up on a couple new (and free) softwares to try out. I have been using a combonation of Notepad++ and Expression Web, leaning a little more to Expression Web lately. But i am always open to trying out new software and jGRASP seem like it has quite a bit to offer that any CIS student can afford.

  3. Thanks for the blog Ivaylo. I will be definitely be trying out one of these tools to help me figure out what is going wrong with my JavaScript. Hopefully it is as helpful as it seems.
