Oct 27, 2009

Our group-project -> Buy-lingu.al

After I posted the main secrets of our group work, I will post something about the project and our solved and unsolved problems.
We started by working parallel. One part of the group designed the website layout. The others researched how to get the api's running.
The first idea was to use eBay’s and Google’s JavaScript files. These display the results in their div-tags. We implemented them and had them running. At Iteration I we presented a website that translated a keyword and, after checking an alert box, searches eBay and displays the results on our website.
The next step was to understand the eBay JavaScript files to hook into that part with our retranslation. We found a possibility to get the title of the eBay items and give them to the retranslation part of our JavaScript file and integrate the translated title back into the result page.
We thought we were almost done, only fixing some bugs:
- removing the alert Box that shows the translation result causes that the scripts work parallel: eBay is searched before we had a result from google translate.
- removing the alert Box after the retranslation causes that the results were displayed without title.
These problems showed us the main problem: The different functions in the script do not wait for each other. We tried to find the solution in the scripts but we were not able to identify our problem.
When we got to the class when we talked about proxies, we researched the eBay and Google developer sites again and found the already posted solutions.
We threw our almost working code over and started again using the proxies.

Our actual code showed us that, in JavaScript, a sequence of functions are not running successively but parallel. We realized that the second function has to be started at the end of the first function.
Maybe somebody knows another way to assure that function b starts only after function a has ended?

Another problem that we have is to get the Amazon api running. If somebody has experience how to handle it, please let us know!

1 comment:

  1. Jassin,

    Thank you very much for sharing your groups project secrets. Non to worry about me stealing them as for our group and my personal project are going in different directions. But who knows at a later date this may come in quite handy.
