Oct 1, 2009

Express Yourself!

I tried out the Expression Web editor in the CIS lab. Compared to Notepad++ which I was using before, this editor has so many more great features to create web pages.

Expression Web makes creating compliant standards-based Web sites faster and easier.

It has a state-of-the-art design surface that generates clean CSS, and you can make design decisions right away, and you can see the representation of the final browser-rendered page.

It has drag and drop controls to add rich media with support for a broad range of essential Web technologies, such as PHP, JavaScript, XML/XSLT, and ASP.NET you can use the same tool for both visual design and coding.

The great news is that Microsoft offers a free 60 day trial version you can download at home.

1 comment:

  1. Helen, I took a little tutorial on Expression Web due to some microsoft requirenments for work. I was quite empressed (being that it was a MS product) I haven't used it other than playing a little in the lab though. I did order a copy but haven't gotten around to installing it yet. I still find that notepad++ does everything I need.
