Jan 12, 2010

Blogging 101

So when I heard we were blogging, I was nervous and excited. I have read blogs before but never actually wrote a blog. So I wanted to search the best and most efficient way to blog. I searched exactly that on google.

The first thing that this specific website says it to tell the audience exactly what your talking about, and where this blog is headed. It also talks about being a great writer (which I am not). The next thing it says is to not save your most important information for the end, but to engage your readers early and often. Finally it talks about using catchy titles, so your readers want to come back and so they are interested in what your saying.

Another website, has a few points of how to start a blog. After you have a website and know what to write about, you want to decide how often to post. It is recommended that you should have about a months worth of blogs before starting your blog. Once the blog is started the best way to expand your blog is to tell your friends, and ask them to tell their friends. And finally it says to use other blogs that your interested in, to give your blog some depth and to give your readers a chance to see more into your life. This is another example website you can read to further your knowledge dailyblogtips.com.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like our bloggs goes hand and hand. It interesting to see that they have a sort of guild-line to how bloggs are properly written considering it is really a grouping of ideas. It was also kinda strange to me how you said one website says you need to have about a months worth of blogs before you start blogging, I always had to notion is was kind of a spur of the moment type thing and wanted a person wanted to to express their opinion in a open forum.
